For several years, we have been offering farmers special soil analyses, which stand out from the usual analyses.
In fact, classic analyses inform us in particular about certain measured parameters and other values or indices deduced by calculation:
- the value of the CEC and the distribution of minerals on the CEC (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.),
- the rate of organic matter, the content of mineral elements N, P, K, MgO and sometimes trace elements,
- Biological Activity Index,
- the stability of organic matter according to the Carbon/Nitrogen ratio….
However, these parameters alone are insufficient to understand how a soil functions and do not allow us to determine the corrections to be made so that the functioning of the soil and plants is optimal.
Recommendations (amendment, fertilizer, soil work) established solely on the basis of these parameters can sometimes be toxic to biological life and unbalance the soil structure.
This is why, drawing on the experience of more than 15 years of Georges Faivre (Gaïa Logos), we measure other parameters in order to establish a precise diagnosis of the functioning of soils.
Added parameters: 1°) Granulometric fractionation in order to know the texture of the soil, that is to say, the distribution between clays, sands (fine and coarse) and silts (fine and coarse). These parameters make it possible to understand the stability of the soil (Beating Index), the risks of asphyxiation, the aptitude for cracking. (See Appendix).
The evolution of amendments and biological life will not be the same depending on whether the soil is asphyxiated or not. Similarly, the leaching of nutrients and the compaction of soils will depend on the compaction of the soil.
2°) Bioelectronic measurements: pH, resistivity (rô), hydrogen redox potential, and values obtained by calculation: rH2 and power (vigor index) in surface soil and deep soil.
These bioelectronic analyses make it possible to define 4 biological terrains:
Acidic and Reduced, Acidic and Oxidized, Alkaline and Reduced, Alkaline and Oxidized The biological life, development and health of plants will be different depending on the type of biological soil.
Examples: With an Acidic and Reduced organic soil: plants do not grow well and will be sensitive to frost with superficial rooting. Metallic toxicity, superficial rooting, leaching of minerals….
If the biological terrain is Alkaline and Oxidized: we observe surface insects on the plant: aphids, mites, scale insects as well as fungi: mildew, powdery mildew, blister, rust, rot etc. Insolubilization, blocking of phosphorus….
Bioelectronic analyses also provide valuable information on:
- the balance between oxygen availability and its consumption by the respiratory activity of the biomass (roots + rhizosphere),
- the availability of the pantry (exchangeable minerals),
- the direction of flow of electrons between the surface and the depth in order to determine whether mineral exchanges are taking place between the subsoil and the surface soil,
- water availability depending on its salinity and the structure of the organo-mineral complex and especially on the ability of the roots to establish themselves in depth,
- the type of disease that may develop.
Only bioelectronic analysis, in addition to physicochemical analysis and granulometry , provides information on the "energy" behavior of a soil, the buffer capacity and the biological terrain. These indications are necessary in order to determine the RIGHT agronomic strategy to implement, in order to optimize the functioning of your soil and ensure the sustainable hardiness of your crops while optimizing yield and quality.
Georges Faivre (Gaïalogos), specialist in the functioning of soils and plants and expert in bioelectronics, ensures the interpretation of the measurements and proposes a recommendation adapted to each case.
Analysis Detail
Physico-Chemical and Bioelectronic Analyses
Surface sample analysis:
- Total limestone,
- Exchangeable limestone, potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese,
- Organic matter, Organic carbon (Ann method), Total nitrogen (Dumas), pH KCl, Phosphorus (Joret Hébert), CEC (Metson), Granulometry with limestone, Boron (boiling water),
- Copper (EDTA), Iron (EDTA), Manganese (EDTA), Zinc (EDTA), Active limestone, CAI fraction > 2 mm,
- Redox potential, Conductivity, pH water
- Depth sample analysis:
- Redox potential, Conductivity, water pH,
Finally, the study and interpretation of the measured parameters make it possible to establish a recommendation for an agronomic strategy in order to improve the soil in its entirety.
Clarification: finally, in certain specific cases, it will be strongly recommended to complete this information with:
- more specific analyses such as a biochemical fractionation of organic matter which will inform us about the availability of nitrogen and carbon,
- or even analyses on the plant to specify imbalances in protein synthesis, mineral balances to manage supplementation according to the crop, etc.